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How can employers fill the gaps left by employees needing to self-isolate?

The COVID-19 pandemic is a fast-moving situation.

As the total number of confirmed cases within the UK continues to decrease, the government have begun rebuilding our economy by easing the lockdown restrictions and allowing local shops, pubs and restaurants to open their doors to the public once again. In line with the developed Coronavirus guidelines, many organisations have implemented a track and trace system in order to protect both staff and customers from the virus. The purpose of these track and trace systems is to help managed the potential spread of COVID-19 by ensuring those with COVID-19 can be quickly identify and self-isolated.

However, most business owners are now asking the question ‘What happens if an employee needs to self-isolate?’

In accordance with Government advice, if an employee has symptoms or has been in contact with anyone who has symptoms, they should isolate immediately. Therefore, these employees should not attend work and employers should advise them to follow the Government self-isolation guide and seek as test. If this test comes back negative, then isolation is no longer required, and the employee can return to work.

We understand that whilst an employee is self-isolating and following government guidelines, this may leave a significant gap in your workforce.

With many businesses being forced to shut for several months, badly affecting their financial state, it is more important than ever for organisations to have a full and dedicated team of individuals to manage and carry out the operation of the business. Absent staff could cause additional damage to the organisation.

At Absolute Personnel, we are advising organisations who are being affected by track and trace and sudden, unexpected self-isolation notifications, to seek temporary staff who can help bridge the gap of absent employees. Employing temporary staff from a reputable recruitment specialist can help for the foreseeable future.

While some workers are left without a job due to lack of demand in many sectors, the demand for temporary employment has grown in the midst of the crisis in other sectors, such as food and retail. Hiring additional full-time employees may be too costly for businesses during this uncertain environment. Therefore, during the duration of this crisis, temporary measures may be called for which can help benefit both workers who find themselves without a job, and businesses who will have the ability to adapt to market conditions and their workforce situations.  

For more information on hiring temporary staff, contact the Absolute Personnel team on 01743 461 239.

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